So it's been too long since I last posted. I'd like to think that this is because I was doing better things with my life, but I don't know how true that is. There is one thing that has really been on my mind lately and that is the idea of having a Sabbath.
You see, this idea comes from the beginning of time. It didn't just come from the Pharisees or some other religious leaders in Jesus' time. It came from God, Himself. When God created the world he created it in six literal days and then He rested on the seventh. Now maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think God rested because He was tired. I think He rested in order to set an example for us.
I'm not really using Scripture right now because I don't really have the time at the moment, but maybe I'll post some Scripture if this sparks some type of deep debate. Honestly, I hope my Christian friends know their Bible enough to know that this agrees with Scripture. Because the Bible speaks clearly on this idea of the Sabbath. We are to take one day out of our week and just rest. Now that doesn't mean that we have the follow all the rules that the Pharisees made up. Jesus didn't do that. What we should do is just to take a day off and enjoy the gifts God has given us. A Sabbath is a time to be spent with family and friends. It is a time to be spent reading or playing. I don't think it matters. Do something that you really enjoy. Take a break off of work or school or whatever's holding you down and just rest.
For me that looks like not doing homework, not checking my e-mail/Facebook, and spending as little time on the Internet as possible. You see, I want to use my Sabbath to break out of the technological bubble that surrounds me. This past Friday I went hiking and it was so relaxing. Maybe hiking isn't your thing. Maybe you want to go catch up on your favorite comic books. Just get outside of your normal day to day.
I think the effect of having a Sabbath will be bigger than we expect. It will effect our relationship, how we work on the other six days, and most importantly it will effect our walk with God. It was ordained since the beginning of time that we should take one day of and rest. Maybe this idea is a little bit more important than how we treat it.
oh i definitely take a day (or 3) to just brush off the world and enjoy life & everything God has blessed me to be surrounded by... maybe it's comic books, maybe it's exploring a museum, maybe its sitting in barnes & noble reading... it's essential to my sanity