So this is my second blog and I've already learned one blog-lesson the hard way. Blogs were meant to be updated. What you read in the following section is me updating my blog.
It all started with my dear friend Josh Hazel's Facebook status: Josh wants a fedora. Well I must admit that at this time I wasn't exactly sure what a fedora what. I knew it was a hat, but what kind of hat was it? So I went to the place where I find all the answers I need answering, Google. Well to make a long story short my Internet journey lead me to a website entitled "The Art of Manliness" (
After a little poking around on this quite intriguing site I found myself reading an article about how to eat correctly like a man should. This mainly involved avoiding food with preservatives, eating manly things like meat, sitting down and eating with family, and finally controlling your portion size.
As I read this rather informative blog I could help but think, maybe we don't have it all figured out. I mean, we have cars that can do everything but drive for us and ovens the heat up, cook, and turn off by themselves, but maybe we've forgotten how to truly enjoy life as it was meant to be lived. Even this evening I was at fault because I skipped out on the family dinner and ended up eating with a good friend on the run.
I can honestly say some of the most enjoyable times in my life happen in very simple situations. Whether I'm reading a book by myself, drinking coffee with a friend, or sitting by the waterside just simply watching nature.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is we need to learn to enjoy life again. At least once this week sit down and drink a cup of coffee and think about life for an hour or so. Or maybe you need to go hiking with a friend for a couple of hours. Regardless, get outside of the usual crap we get so caught up in and truly enjoy something.

fact. blogs were meant to be updated. whooooooooooop