To be put most plainly, I'm glad that my God is not a God that deprives me of joy. In fact, it is my belief that God takes great joy in us finding joy. Now, when I speak of this joy I am only speaking of what I call secondary joy. You see the only primary joy that will make us happy is Jesus Christ Himself. He is our main joy. He is the reason to live today and the reason to have peace in death.
But this is not our only joy. God loves us so much that He has given us other things to enjoy. Ultimately all these things point back to Him; however, humanity over time has taken these secondary joys and put them in place of God the Creator and Sustainer. It is only when we have God as our primary joy that we can fully experience any secondary joy.
Today I reconnected with a joy that I have not tasted in quite a while. It was an enjoyable experience for me, but overall it draws me closer to my Savior. I am silenced in awe just to think that He loved me enough to create things like this for me to enjoy. God is love. Not some abstract form of love, but a form of love that causes Him to give up His only Son to bring us back to Him. Beyond even this, He creates these beautiful roadsigns in life which point us back to the love that He's had for us since the beginning of time. O how He loves you and me.
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