Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Walking Hand in Hand

So I am currently in the process of reading through C.S. Lewis' (my favorite author) science fiction series. Some of you may not know that he had a science fiction series, but to those who do, congrats. Right now I am about halfway through the second book of three. Anyhow there was an awesome quote in Perelandra which I cannot help but sharing. 

Let me try and give you the setting for all of this. Basically, Random, the main character, is explaining to this human-like woman from another world the idea of evil and good and the choice between the two. You see this person was completely innocent. In her world there is no idea of evil. There is no idea of pain. But anyhow, here the quote...

"I thought that I was carried in the will of Him I love, but now I see that I walk with it. I thought that the good things He sent me drew me into them as the waves lift the islands; but now I see that it is I who plunge into them with my own legs and arms, as when we go swimming. I feel as if I were living in that roofless world of yours (Earth) where men walk undefended beneath naked heaven. It is a delight with terror in it! One's own self to be walking from one good to another, walking beside Him as Himself may walk, not even holding hands. How has He made me so seperate from Himself? How did it enter His mind to concieve such a thing? The world is so much larger than I thought. I thought we went along paths - but it seems there are no paths. The going itself is the path." 

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