Monday, June 8, 2009

Read Me!

I would like to write a book. I feel like it would be a rewarding adventure. I mean, it may not be like a huge 500 page book in the end. Maybe it would be more like a memoir. At any rate, I think it would be entertaining. I know, you might be asking yourself, "Self, why would he write a book if he can't even keep up with a simple blog?" To this I can provide no answer. I can only optimistically hope that somehow writing a book would be different than my blogging experience so far. So I ask you, what should I write a book about? What would you like to read about? I don't really have much direction as of right now, but I'm open to input. And now... discuss.


  1. hmmm... thats tough to narrow down. you have alot of wise stances on different areas of life... so i'm not sure specifically what would provide the best material, in terms of a book

  2. Way to be a kiss ass and say nothing at all. Im not joking you're pretty talented at it. You should write a book on it.

  3. and by that i mean..... just write whatever your heart tells you. and then title it "Use Each Page As Toilet Paper"

  4. Josh, we should write a book together.
